Monday, December 3, 2012

I'm Back! Koven - More than You

So I haven't posted anything in months and letting this blog fall to the side didn't seem right to me, especially after having so many views since the last post, so I'm starting posting again, and plan on it being like it was when this was in it's peak at least 5 or so post a week. So get ready for an eclectic mix of EDM.

So what to talk about for the first post back.. Well Koven had a killer new single pop up a BBC 1Xtra Mix a week or so back, and songs like this are amazing for the reason that they completely counter when anyone says that Dubstep has no musical qualities. This song opens up with a great acoustic progression that leads into a beautiful vocal arrangement, sounds kinda like your average song to me right? With some flourishes of piano here and there in the track. 

Koven - More Than You

But this tune is huge and should be up for release in early 2013 no confirmed date that I could find.

Koven also had to remake their facebook account from some legality issues and had to make a fresh one a while ago, so go there and show them some love with a like.


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